Monday, February 27, 2023


     Newspapers were a major advancement made to inform the people what events were happening.  The relation newspaper was created by Johann Carolus.  Carolus was born in 1575 with a revolutionary mind. He was originally from Strasbourg, Germany and bought a printing house to distribute the newspaper to the upper class.  This was his way of getting out of the serous debt he was in after purchasing the printing house. Buying a printing house was highly risky at the time because Carolus was in serious debt.  Carlous and his wife bought the biggest printing house from Strausberg.    4 to 6 pages were printed per week. newspaper

Johann Carolus faced censorship in his third year of publishing the newspaper.  What got him into trouble was the publishing of the government financial struggles.  People weren't allowed to leak information during this time and could be punished for doing so.  Carolus was financially struggling because he couldn't print the stories that involved the government.  He had to talk to the government before he published any story, which was a huge step back.  The newspaper ending up being one of the best ways for people to receive information for many years.  Other creators heard of Carolus and decided they wanted to print newspapers as well.  I knew the government had caused issues, but I never knew they censored the early newspapers.  Learning about the newspaper has helped me expand my knowledge about early government censorship.  

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      I have always been interested in propaganda. I've had knowledge about propaganda since high school.  Seeing the benefits of propag...