Friday, January 27, 2023

Privacy Ted Talk blog 2

 Privacy has not always been an issue on the internet.  However, the question one has to ask is, are the websites I visit being tracked?  The answer is yes, the internet tracks everything and applications on your phone have your information documented.  I never understood the grave danger of the government accessing my information.  I learned privacy can be a main issue after watching the Ted talk video.  Watching videos helps people become aware of issues, but something has to happen to that person, in order for him or her to make a change.  It is important to talk to your family or friends before you post something that will be permanently on your record.  

Facebook and Amazon are two websites that take advantage of your information and will use it against you.  For an example, let's say I'm looking on Nike for a pair of shoes.  Later that day I will go on Instagram and see the same shoes randomly while scrolling down my page.  This is a terrifying thing; I don't want to be tracked on what shoes I've been looking at. It is a major issue, and the government can also tap into your phone calls or emails if it suits them.  privacy

The government needs to closely track to make sure there are no terrorists.  Besides this local families shouldn't have cookies popping up on every internet website they go on.  Cookies track what is going on in your browser and will pop up on that specific website, with content a consumer wants to buy on the side of the page.  What people also need to realize is their license plates are being tracked. License plate tracking should only be used for criminals, but the government likes to access everything.  Cameras are also another important tracking devise to watch out for.  On roads or even in a lower scale shopping center, there will be cameras watching you.  Overall, the government needs to lower regulations on tracking.  To protect yourself, the first step would be to decline all cookies and be aware of what you say on the internet.  Also, referring to your constitutional freedoms is important. The people of America have Freedom of speech and it needs to be honored by the government.  No one is happy when their privacy and rights are being taken away from the government.  cookies  Visit the website for more information on cookies.       

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      I have always been interested in propaganda. I've had knowledge about propaganda since high school.  Seeing the benefits of propag...