Friday, January 27, 2023

Supreme court Information

 I Grew up learning about the political system and the three branches: Executive, Judicial, and the Legislative branches.  The Supreme Court is often referred to as the most important branch of government.  There are nine justices that make up the Supreme Court.  I learned the Supreme Court used to only have 6 judges.  I found this fascinating they would change the number of judges. When they are elected, they have a duty to serve the court for life.  John G. Roberts and Clarence are the top two judges that serve today.  John Roberts is the chief justice and has jurisdiction to hire who goes in the administrative office.   The job of the Supreme Court is to have jurisdiction over all court cases, or any case related to the constitution.  General info  

The most important thing that appealed to me about the Supreme Court is the letters written above the door," Equal Justice under law."  These letters spoke to me about how every person who lives in the United States will get equal treatment in the court system.  Having a justice system that protects ones' rights is a huge advantage to have.  The Supreme has the most responsibility in America.  The United States doesn't need criminals crossing the streets.  The president who elects the judges has the most important job.  He must nominate the person who will spend the rest of their life serving as a Supreme Court Justice. The Supreme Court protects Civil rights and liberties by rejecting unconstitutional laws.  Something I learned is the Supreme Court protects the peoples' privacy.  Without protection the United States would be in shambles.  An example of the Supreme Court Protecting the people was them Using the 14th amendment to, "persons of the same sex engage in... Sexual conduct.".  protection  One of the most difficult backgrounds of a Justice is Clarence Thomas.  He has always been one of the more respected judges on the court. I watched a documentary on Clarence Thomas, and he speaks about the feeling of power he received when he became a Supreme Court Justice.  He faced many hardships and has made our country a better place.  The feeling of power Thomas had, is the same for the rest of the justices as well.  They all serve to protect the citizens of the United States.  The Supreme Court is the number one branch, and they have the power to control the Executive and Legislative branches as well.   People should make sure they are well informed about the Supreme Court, so they are aware of which of their freedoms are being protected.       


Privacy Ted Talk blog 2

 Privacy has not always been an issue on the internet.  However, the question one has to ask is, are the websites I visit being tracked?  The answer is yes, the internet tracks everything and applications on your phone have your information documented.  I never understood the grave danger of the government accessing my information.  I learned privacy can be a main issue after watching the Ted talk video.  Watching videos helps people become aware of issues, but something has to happen to that person, in order for him or her to make a change.  It is important to talk to your family or friends before you post something that will be permanently on your record.  

Facebook and Amazon are two websites that take advantage of your information and will use it against you.  For an example, let's say I'm looking on Nike for a pair of shoes.  Later that day I will go on Instagram and see the same shoes randomly while scrolling down my page.  This is a terrifying thing; I don't want to be tracked on what shoes I've been looking at. It is a major issue, and the government can also tap into your phone calls or emails if it suits them.  privacy

The government needs to closely track to make sure there are no terrorists.  Besides this local families shouldn't have cookies popping up on every internet website they go on.  Cookies track what is going on in your browser and will pop up on that specific website, with content a consumer wants to buy on the side of the page.  What people also need to realize is their license plates are being tracked. License plate tracking should only be used for criminals, but the government likes to access everything.  Cameras are also another important tracking devise to watch out for.  On roads or even in a lower scale shopping center, there will be cameras watching you.  Overall, the government needs to lower regulations on tracking.  To protect yourself, the first step would be to decline all cookies and be aware of what you say on the internet.  Also, referring to your constitutional freedoms is important. The people of America have Freedom of speech and it needs to be honored by the government.  No one is happy when their privacy and rights are being taken away from the government.  cookies  Visit the website for more information on cookies.       

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Top 5 News sources

 The majority of news I see is located on my phone.  Some may believe news from the phone may not be valid, but Instagram is one of the main platforms I use to receive my news.  I follow multiple accounts so I can see all different types of information.  The Instagram news is usually following the lives of famous people.  This information is interesting to look at, but the news is often not life altering.  You can follow anyone you want on Instagram.  Everyone who has the app will have a different page, based on their personal preferences. instagram

Espn is a website I use to look at all of the sports players to keep track of.  Keeping track of players isn't easy to do, but the post notifications pop up on my phone about every hour.  Espn informs the user about injuries or if they are having personal issues.  Espn is always a huge website for people who love to bet.  If someone is betting, they are going to analyze the news to see what is going on with their team or player.  espn

Snapchat is mainly an app for sending pictures or posting stories.  However, if someone swipes 3 times to the right, they can see stories.  The daily mail is the most interesting thing for me to look at on the app.  The news ranges from terrible tragedies to informative information.  The stories are intriguing, but before the information has to be verified.  I often learn news on the daily mail before checking the other apps on my phone.  If you are someone who is interested in some truth and some speculation, the daily mail is the news source for you.  daily mail

Fox news is another platform I use frequently.  There is a range of different news casters ranging from Tucker Carlson to Jessie waters.  Fox news shows a republican perspective on the current news.  The information released is public and up to date.  I often read fox news to clarify a story I have read on the internet.  I grew up watching Fox News, so it is a news source that is comfortable to me.  The reported in favor of trump and are a biased network.   fox news   

The last source of news I am going to be talking about is TMZ news.  There is much controversy behind TMZ.  They can be seen as highly invasive, but their goal is to leak any private information about a celebrity to the public.  I am interested in hearing about rappers and celebrities, so I have the TMZ notifications on my phone.  Hearing about this news isn't like hearing about real-life events.  Whenever I would like to take a break from watching fox news, I will look to TMZ about breaking news in Hollywood. TMZ  



      I have always been interested in propaganda. I've had knowledge about propaganda since high school.  Seeing the benefits of propag...