Thursday, March 2, 2023


     I have always been interested in propaganda. I've had knowledge about propaganda since high school.  Seeing the benefits of propaganda has given me a better understanding.  Propaganda is a form of communication that communicates a common message an audience can pick up on.  The message can be calling a person to action which can be bias.  Propaganda wouldn't have a purpose if there were no bias involved. In WW1 propaganda called people to action and brought them together to fight.  People could perceive calling people to action to fight is wrong, but the United States needed people to be unified during that time period.  The main aspect of propaganda I found interesting is the persuasive techniques that engage the audience.  Vibrant colors, not many words, and a short quote are aspects included in propaganda.

    Propaganda today targets emotions, but with more technology than just a sign.  Companies try to guilt trip people into making decisions by showing sensory imagery.  When people see a dog in a cage, or see kid crying, they will want to make a donation towards the foundation.  Emotional decisions are never the best decisions.  They are made almost immediately, and people end up regretting the money they have spent on an item.  People will continue to purchase items based on emotions.  Certain people are careful when seeing an ad, while the other half of the population can't last without emotional purchases.  

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Age of A.I

     Personally, I didn't have much knowledge of A.I before watching this video.  Seeing how A.I. is involved in everything completely surprised me.  Automated systems have been appearing in factories to replace people.  The problem is poor people are losing their jobs to machines.  The rich people keep on investing in the machinery, and they get rich as the result.  Another issue with A.I. is the machines are smart enough to learn more information quickly.  It could make predictions or base an answer based off information learned from the internet.  It can be scary to think about how A.I may be smarter than a human.  People must be cautious because A.I has facial recognition technology.  A camera can recognize your face and log your exact location directly to the person who owns the technology.  The cameras pick up on people's movements and that is an invasion of their privacy.  The A.I. technology applies for the U.S. and China.  They slightly differ because China the people have less power.  In America citizens have more power in society so A.I. technology is hidden in most areas.  Privacy is one of the main concerns people have.

    A.I technologies can help a countries defense.  China uses A.I for their defense and enhancing weapon systems.  A.I can be a privacy issue but is crucial for developing drones.  The world is advancing due to all different types of A.I.  Identity theft is a main problem due to facial recognition, and online security.  Once you type in your information into any technology, it is on the internet forever.  A.I can use your pictures to personalize your ads to have items you have purchased.  When cookies are enabled, then your privacy completely disappears.  Cookies snatch all of the information and people need to decline the option to accept all cookies.  

Echo Chamber

     An echo chamber is essentially information that repeats itself from only 1 narrative.  Of course, this can lead to greater issues if someone is trying to receive an unbiased opinion.  Confirmation bias would be the result and would stop old beliefs from being challenged.  Echo chambers aren't always effective because there are so many different voices on social media.  When one person is voicing an opinion, you can simply scroll down on the page to find an alternative opinion.  There is a type of echo chamber that most may not know the name of.  A filter bubble is a type of echo chamber that tracks online information, and your searches are tracked.  This is a trap for all internet users, since they are distracted by items they want to buy.  With the internet revolutionizing, people need to be careful with what browser they are on.  To avoid an echo chamber, make sure to look at multiple sources of information.  For example, if you watch CNN and no other news network, you will only get a one-sided opinion.  Trap   

    Echo Chambers prevent people from hearing all sides of information, so many people are uninformed of both sides of a news story.  Knowing both sides is always important in order to establish an opinion.  The internet also filters out certain information regarding politics.  Essentially, echo chambers can lead to political polarization.  Political polarization is people being fixated to only one opinion and then draw conclusions.  People can end up misinterpreting a whole story if they don't have all the information.  Part of the problem is the search engines, like google, who filters out unwanted government information.  For people who are older they can be swayed easily if they are not in good health.  Most of the older population doesn't participate in current social media, so they could get complete lost looking through different apps.  Very young kids are affected greatly by social media because younger kids are being exposed to social media as time passes.  Teens to young adults are familiar with apps so they are usually based off of preference.  if someone were to like 1 Republican post on Tik Tok, it would end up leading to a full for you page of Republican posts.  Part of the issue with young teens is they don't want to hear both sides of the story.  When a story is told one way it is almost impossible to imagine that story changing.  Poor people may not have as much access to social media sources, so they may be greatly misinformed.  Rich people have all the access to any social media platform they want.  Therefore, it is easier for people to dig for information when they are aware of an echo chamber.  Echo chambers have affected me in a positive way.  I grew up watching Fox News and if I ever wanted to hear a second opinion, I could go to a different news station.  I believe Echo Chambers people see at a young age, lead to their future beliefs.      


Monday, February 27, 2023

Diffusion of the Tesla


     Everett Rodgers was the creator of diffusion theory, which was the spread of innovations through society.  The Tesla was a crazy invention, the whole look and design of the car pushed society further to advancement with gasless cars.  A car with no gas that could be plugged in was great for the environment. communication channels were a major way that the news of the new tesla was spread.  The ways the information spread was the news, social media, and even the radio station.  My first time seeing a Tesla I was impressed with the futuristic design that made you feel like you were entering a spaceship.  Some people would end up buying this product due to the price because it was an expensive car to buy. What is different about Tesla is the WOW factor.  Some people bought the Tesla after the original price went down to 40,000.  The only issue with Tesla, is it's not designed for everyone.  Personally, my dad was never interested in the car.  This was a shock to me, but there is a large number of older people who don't find the purchase of an electric car necessary. 

Effect of the Tesla

    The Tesla was a soaring purchase for many years and more companies beginning to make electric cars.  Tesla has made sure their competitors haven't come close to the revenue that Elon Musk has made.  There is controversy surrounding his name, but the Tesla was just the first step to Musk becoming one of the most successful manufacturers on the planet.  He was able to draw in an audience and overcome loss from previous years.  


     Newspapers were a major advancement made to inform the people what events were happening.  The relation newspaper was created by Johann Carolus.  Carolus was born in 1575 with a revolutionary mind. He was originally from Strasbourg, Germany and bought a printing house to distribute the newspaper to the upper class.  This was his way of getting out of the serous debt he was in after purchasing the printing house. Buying a printing house was highly risky at the time because Carolus was in serious debt.  Carlous and his wife bought the biggest printing house from Strausberg.    4 to 6 pages were printed per week. newspaper

Johann Carolus faced censorship in his third year of publishing the newspaper.  What got him into trouble was the publishing of the government financial struggles.  People weren't allowed to leak information during this time and could be punished for doing so.  Carolus was financially struggling because he couldn't print the stories that involved the government.  He had to talk to the government before he published any story, which was a huge step back.  The newspaper ending up being one of the best ways for people to receive information for many years.  Other creators heard of Carolus and decided they wanted to print newspapers as well.  I knew the government had caused issues, but I never knew they censored the early newspapers.  Learning about the newspaper has helped me expand my knowledge about early government censorship.  

Thursday, February 23, 2023


     People have always spoken out against war, but were thrown in prisons in the past, for voicing their opinions.  Now, Antiwar voices are hidden on obscure websites.  The mainstream media doesn't like to cover outspoken opinions.  The example I read about was AFRICOM and they were trying to hide the fact that 7 al-Shabaab fighters.  First of all, the government isn't going to want the general public to see the U.S. is concealing a recent event that took place.  When people read articles that incriminate the U.S., it reflects poorly on the government.  The U.S. government heavily fighting with Somalia isn't news the government wants to be public.  Government issues  Keeping their image perfect also has to do with internet search engines.  Google will hide certain search results causing people to be unaware of what is going on in the world.  

    Seeking out war voices will be hidden by an average search engine, so switching to another search engine may enable someone to find information hidden by the government.  Switching the search engine can be a pain so another alternative is to be as specific as possible when searching for antiwar information.  People already believe the government hides information, so them hiding incriminating information isn't surprising.  Looking for specific writers or searching deep into the web will also help one find information.  I have never heard of the antiwar website or the American Conservative Website.  I am sure most people are uninformed about what the government does to cover up deaths and much more.  For people to become aware of websites like this posting on websites like reddit and other online forums help the spread of information.  Having multiple sources of information is key to releasing to public information.  In order for someone to figure out antiwar information further, look into recent events or even talk to the local people to discover what has been hidden.  


     Drones are a controversial topic, but a great invention that was made to advance society to the future.  Abraham Karem was born in 1937 and is the creator of the first drone.  Drones didn't start with an invasion of privacy, and they didn't go to the public until more recently.  They started as a design for target practice.  Drone stands for No People on the mechanism.  Radio control drones were designed so people didn't have to risk their lives in dangerous areas.  Drones could scout an area out or even go after a target without risking human lives.  This was a huge innovation for people because they could be protected, while still advancing military needs.  Drones weren't trusted for many years because they feared the design would not be reliable.  While this is true, drones weren't revolutionized until 2001.  In 2001 the first armed UAV was used to carry anti-tank missiles into Afghanistan.  In 2002 the first drone strike happened in Yemen, against al Qaeda.  drone warfare  Drone warfare was a major step transitioning to the future.

      Drones came with many risks.  People worry about drones because the government can use them to spy on citizens.  Drones are known to enter unauthorized areas which can also lead to leaking government information.  Civilians could be at risk during drone warfare, but they could sneak up on opponents like they have never done before.  Drones can be thousands of miles away from a target and strike causing the technology to not be put at risk.  Drones cost a high amount of revenue to make, being 1000 miles away from the strike keeps the drone technology safe.  When drones were first made, the government didn't implement them directly into the military.  Another risk of drones today is privacy, drones can fly anywhere so people don't feel protected.  Drones can be used to spy on anywhere because the average person can purchase a drone for a reasonable price at your local Target.  I believe giving people access to drones can be beneficial for their Careers.  Drones can take videos from all types of different angles and distances.  Youtubers use them mainly and people love to see how many perspectives a video can be recorded from.  YouTube used to be a simple platform, but people are expecting more and more from content creators.  When kids see their favorite creators using drones then they want to purchase the drone as well.  Then every kid has a drone flying around in other people's business.  The benefits of a drone are the high-resolution photos.  People are drawn to better quality of items and that's why drones are successful.  With the world advancing the people want to have the latest technology like apple.  Everyone I know personally has an iPhone.  It is usually peoples' first choice due to the fact they want to have the item everyone has.  People loved go-pro cameras, but they don't have the technological advancements of a drone.  The main reason drones have become popular is due to trends and the military.  Once one person purchased the drone it created a whole following of drone users that America has today.  



      I have always been interested in propaganda. I've had knowledge about propaganda since high school.  Seeing the benefits of propag...