Thursday, February 23, 2023

8 values of free expression

     Protect Dissent is the most important value of free expression in my opinion.  Protect Dissent gives people the right to criticize the government.  If everyone were unable to criticize the government, the United States wouldn't be a free country.  Twitter is a forum where many politicians are able to critique the government or the common people.  If someone voices a non-harmful opinion towards the current president, it won't be taken down unless it is a threatening message.  This value is specific to me because I voice my opinion on multiple social media apps.  Without voicing my opinion, I wouldn't feel free.  Peaceful protests related to the government would be included in Protest Dissent.  An example of an action that wouldn't be protected under the First Amendment would be storming the capital.  When people go beyond committing a legal act they are no longer protected from the law.  An example for protection would be a peaceful protest outside of a school to change school lunches.  This is completely legal, and people will exercise their right to equal protection.  If there is no violent speech or vandalism people will be protected under the First Amendment.  protect dissent 

         The right to protest is what makes the United States a democracy.  People can come together to protest who have common beliefs for what is being protested.  Protesting also brings people together.  This creates a group of people who may become friends for many years to come.  Disagreeing on political issues can be seen all across news platforms.  Fox News makes it publicly known when they disagree with something the government has done.  They keep close tabs on President Biden, as well as other politicians.  They are protected to their opinion as they continue to broadcast for the common people.     

    Checking on government power is another theory that caught my attention.  The Judicial branch can check any acts made by the President, that could be controversial.  This is a crucial freedom because the government acts need to be checked on.  The President makes many laws that don't end up being passed.  The checks and balances are able to give each branch a specific power so our law system can be balanced.  No one would want a government with the President having all the power.  The checks and balances system are what keep the United States separate from other countries like North Korea.  In North Korea they have one man making all their laws and there is no equal distribution of power.  This is a major issue for the citizens living in North Korea and they aren't legally allowed to use the internet.  Speaking out against their president could result in a Prision sentence.  sep of powers  Congress is able to make laws, although they can be ruled unconstitutional.  The president can veto a law that is released, but congress can surpass the President's veto.  To keep the United States, separate from other countries, congress can impeach the President if he is abusing his power.  Checking on government power is crucial for keeping citizens happy and keeping the United States safe.  

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      I have always been interested in propaganda. I've had knowledge about propaganda since high school.  Seeing the benefits of propag...